This project is no longer maintained and no further public releases are planned.

No further support will be given.

Feel free to fork the git repository.



Use simple subparts to show fields or text only if a specific condition is true

A very important feature of Formhandler didn't find its way into the documentation until now: ###IF_[FIELDNAME]=[value]### "IF subparts" can be used to show content only if a certain condition is true. You can use operators...[more]

Category: Documentation Updates


Second new example online

The new version 1.1.0 of Formhandler contains a new feature to submit a form using AJAX. The is a new example showing this feature. View the example here or download it on the examples page.[more]

Category: Documentation Updates


New example online

The new version 1.1.0 of Formhandler contains a new feature to disable the submit button while there are errors in the form. The is a new example showing this feature. View the example here or download it on the examples page.[more]

Category: Documentation Updates